
Analog Devices and Gridspertise Join Forces to Advance Smart Grid Resiliency and Electrification Worldwide

ADI and Gridspertise, the new subsidiary of the Enel Group providing cutting-edge sustainable solutions to distribution system operators (DSOs), announced a collaboration to advance the resiliency and quality of smart grids around the world. The collaboration enables the development of new hardware and software that support distribution grid self-healing and adaptation in response to the significant changes in energy supply and demand as renewable energy sources are brought online.


The joint effort is built on the long-term smart meters and grid digitalization solutions collaboration between ADI and Enel over the last fifteen years. Today, ADI is working with Gridspertise to deliver even more precise and accurate measurement and monitoring capabilities through real-time data. This results in enhanced grid reliability, thanks to faster response times, improved resiliency, and higher quality of service to customers, while allowing utilities to improve their operational efficiency and a rapid transition to clean energy as well as enabling flexibility services. The technologies are suitable for the enhancement of legacy infrastructures of different geographies and life stage and do not require costly rebuilds. Also, they minimize the environmental impact of the assets, making digitalization a key driver for more sustainable power distribution grids.


For more information, please click on below Analog Devices Press Release:
Simplified Chinese version -- ADI公司和Gridspertise携手合作提升全球智能电网弹性和电气化 | 亚德诺半导体 (analog.com)
English version -- Analog Devices and Gridspertise Join Forces to Advance Smart Grid Resiliency and Electrification Worldwide | Analog Devices
Japanese version -- アナログ・デバイセズとGridspertise、スマートグリッドの強靭性と世界的な配電の高度化推進を目指して提携 | アナログ・デバイセズ (analog.com)